in 2011 Yoshi and us celebrated 15 years Anniversary 

we had special reunion in Skalica - Slovakia
I would like to thank all of you, who came to
Yoshi and us Reunion - ´Yoshies 15 years anniversary meeting´
in Skalica, Saturday April 30, 2011

In 2011 we celebrate 15 years of our life with Samoyeds.
Yes, it is already more than 15 years since I got to know and fell in love with this beautiful breed in Vancouver, Canada.
And ever since I wanted to share my life with these white fluffy angels.
Humoresque Snowy Xamba is the one to be thankful the most, as she was our foundation female.
Her contribution to the breed in Slovakia and moreover to the breed worldwide is absolutely tremendous and unique.
Therefore we wished to express our profound gratitude to her breeder – Mrs.Tuula Hämäläinen-Pratt.
Knowing she would be judging our Anniversary Club show in Skalica in 2011, we prepared a surprise for her by inviting Xamba´s progeny
to come and join us in a group photo of “Yoshies” – so she could see how precious Xamba was to all of us... My first Samoyed Yoshi gave name to our Kennel
and our worldwide family and our one and only Xamba gave us the most precious gift – the gift of vision so necessary for our breeding.
During those 3 days in Skalica Tuula had the opportunity to see alltogether 51 descendants of Xamba, 10 sons/daughters,
22 granddaughters/grandsons, 17 great-granddaughters/grandsons and 2 more distant relatives.
It is obvious, that almost every Samoyed taking part in Skalica had Xamba in his/her Pedigree.
The youngest of her progeny were her grandchildren, siblings Tikaani and Marika from our „Northern“ Litter and
oldest were her first puppies from Litter „A“, 8 years olds Asterix, Alfirin and Absolute Xamba.
The latest to win World Veteran WinnerTitle in Paris in July 2011!
Members of international Yoshi and us family - „Yoshies“ attending this special event came from 8 European countries
(Slovakia, Czech Republic, Finland, Norway, Macedonia, Slovenia, Belgium and Holland) and
those who couldn´t come sent their greetings or flags - thank you Tiffany and Helen from Australia J
Well, for all of us being there it was heart-touching to see how surprised and touched Tuula was,
this situation was so emotional that many of us had tears in our eyes.
I felt we were all so proud to be a part of Xamba´s legacy and we will never forget this moment.
and thank you all, who own and love Xamba´s descendants, our success would have never been possible without you.

30 january 2000 - 1 September 2008
gave birth to 29 healthy beautiful puppies in 4 Yoshi and us Litters.
out of them 22 is/was used for breeding in 19 kennels in 9 countries in Europe and Russia.
20 of them became Champions (they achieved so far 38 Champioships from 21 different countries),
8 International Champions, 15 Junior Champions (they achieved 21 Junior Championships),
3 Grand Champions, 2 Veteran Champions, World Veteran Winner, European Junior Winne
rand multiple Club Champions, Club winners, BIS and BISS Winners...
only 6 of her „children“ were not HD tested, 23 were tested with results 1 – B/B, 2 – A/B and 20 graded as A/A.
Moreover all which tested so far were XL-PRA negative and eyes clear.
Many of them passed tests of character and are working Samoyeds (canisteraphy and different sports).
Xamba´s qualities are passed also to her grandchildren and descendants being bred from,
shown, trained and loved either from our Kennel´s breeding or from dozens of Kennels worldwide.
There are so many of them, that it is literally not possible to mention all of them!
Considering these facts, we just cannot express how unconditionally thanful we are to Xamba for this absolutely outstanding breed record –
her lines belong to the most transparent, best-known and examined in the breed as breeding,
health, character and appearance features are taken into consideration.
We are proud to continue our breeding on her lines – so she can always stay with us living in her descendants.
And it is not a secret that we will always think and claim that in our eyes she was an ideal Samoyed.
Jana, Mário and Janka
Yoshi and us Samoyeds, May 2011