Slovensky English



Samoyeds Without Borders

2-nd World Samoyed Meeting

3-rd WSM

Samoyed Club of Czech Republic

  • Asterix Aramix Yoshi and us
    Snowy Katanga
    Xsara´s hope

    Semiho Úsmev
    Capo in White Ketty Kelly
    Blondi Biela Radost
    Astonishing Ailin Xsara's Hope

    Tatranská Žiara
    Carpathian White Smile

    Snežná Labka
    Zmysel Života


    International Cooperation of Yoshi and us

    AUSTRALIA Mezen Alaskamal
    BELGIUM The Twinkling Star
    CROATIA Anima Candida   Nox-Poli
    CZECH REPUBLIC Winterqueen  
    Zátoka Snu Cheers for Azi Yoshi and us
    Tikibara Ashin´s page
    Aiaskima Od Raèí studánky
    Snehový Zázrak Vetrna Boure
    Orleansnow Bílý Kremínek
    DENMARK Cabaka´s WhiteBear
    ESTONIA Lumeingel  
    Smiling Snowball Hobevalge
    FINLAND Maailmankorven Snowmist
    Funny Fabric Frostbite´s  
    Ramzai Sno´proof
    Schatzave´s White Legend
    FRANCE Domaine de Merlin Angoon´s 
    De L'Ile Blanche Samoyeds of Crystal Sabaka
    Samoyedes De L' Obskaia
    GERMANY NordicSpirit of Icing Wolf
    Onjak Beautiful of WhiteLine
    Dream from Russia
    GREAT BRITAIN Smiliesam Murmansk
    Whitespirit Naduska
    HUNGARY Severnaya Snowy Sabaka
    Siberian Diamond´s White Siberian
    IRELAND Kynoch Samoyeds
    LATVIA Smiling Miracle  
    Kenventaki Dakota´s web
    LITHUANIA Klajokliu Suo
    ITALY Del Baffin Boreal Wind
    Chili Pepper di Casa Rebosio del Corno Bianco
    San Martino

    Rocco in Stile Barocco

    MACEDONIA Belluchi Royal Snow
    NETHERLANDS White Smiling Beauty Dutch Miracle
    NORWAY Jewel´s White Serako Maybtso
    POLAND Iszta+Beam Guapass
    Crazy Star Chatanga Samoyeds
    Arctic Challenge Sonata Arctica
    Virta Valo Nayuki
    Kingsize Jarpen


    the Glow of the Snowy Star
    PORTUGAL Samspring
    ROMANIA Nanook Spirit
    RUSSIA Belyi Volk Serenada severnoy doliny
    SLOVENIA Blanja Polar Iceberg Queen
    SPAIN Tarazar Samoyedos De Villaodon
    SWEDEN Whiljans hemsida Posh Paws
    Acegim´s Kennel Whipped Cream
    SWITZERLAND Arctic Aivik
    USA Alta Samoyeds 


    The Kennel Club of Slovakia
    Czech Club of Northern Breeds

    The Samoyed Association of Finland
    Samoyed Club of America
    Samoyed Club of Victoria, Australia

    Irish Samoyed Dog Club

    The Samoyed Association
    The British Samoyed Club



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