Slovensky English

Litter B

Sire Cabaka´s Show Time of Barco, Ch/HD "A", eyes clear
Dam Humoresque Snowy Xamba,
Int.CH. ,Multi Ch., WW 06, Ch.SK, CZ, PL/HD "A", eyes clear


August 30, 2004
Boys/Girls 2 + 6
Champions 3 Junior Champions / 6 Champions / 2 C.I.B.
More info Health results / Pedigree

Benji, Bold Prince + Blues, Believe, Blissful, Bambi, Best of, B.Sophie



Junior Champion of Czech Republic, Junior Champion of Slovakia, 4 x Club Junior Winner 2005 (Austria, Czech Republic-2x, Poland), Club Winner, Specialty Junior Winner, BOB Junior, Res. BIS Junior, BIS Junior, BOB, BIS

International Champion, Champion of Austria, Champion of Czech Republic

BENJI OF XAMBA Yoshi&us-"Benji"
Owner: "Yoshi&us"

HD A, eyes clear, approved stud dog
passed mental tests of character = Certificate of Canistherapy




European Junior Winner 2005, Vice-European Winner 2008

CLASS WINNER (CWC) WORLD DOG SHOW 2007, CACIB, BOB, BOS, CAC, BIS Puppy, 3.BIS Puppy, Alpe Adria Junior Winner, 3° BIS,
Best Junior, 2-nd Best Dog, BOB/BOG/3° BIS Purina ProPlan Cup, CWC - World dog Show 2006, CAC, Res.CACIB - EuroDogShow 2008, SLOVENIAN CLUB CHAMPION, WINTER WINNER , DCNH Clubsieger 2007



BOLD PRINCE OF Yoshi&us-"Yoshi"
Owner: Franco Davidoni, Italy + Yoshi and us

HD A, ED 0, approved stud dog


  • CACIB Zagreb - Croatia 19/03/2005 : Very Promising 1, 3. BIS Puppy
    CACIB Zagreb - Croatia 20/03/2005 : Very Promising 1
    CACIB Vrtojba - Slovenia 16/04/2005 : Very Promising 1, BIS Puppy
    CAC Ravenna - Italy 25/04/2005 : Very Promising 1
    CAC Montebelluna - Italy  : Very Promising 1

  • Date Show Results Judge
    June 5, 2005 EuroDogShow Tulln, Austria Excellent 1, Jugendbester, European Junior Winner  
    18/06/2005 CACIB Umag Croatia 1° excellent Vibor Jezek (HR)
    19/06/2005 CACIB Portoroz Slovenjia 1° exellent – Alpe Adria Junior Winner – 3° BIS Katrin Lahi (EST)
    21/08/2005 CAC Sacile Italia 1° exellent Boris Spoliaric (HR)
    November 13, 2005 Specialty Club Show of CIRN, Parma, Italy Exc.1, Best Junior, 2-nd Best Dog Matti Tuominen, Finland
    10/12/2005 International Show Verona 1° EXC, CAC,  R.CACIB Mrs. Russel N. (USA)
    17/12/2005 International Show Erba (CO) 2° EXC, R.CAC Mr. Jakkel T. (H)
    International Show Arezzo 1° EXC, R.CAC
    Msr. Poggesi M. (IT)
    22/01/2006 Meeting CIRN Arezzo 3° EXC Mr. Dondina P. (IT)
    International Show Ancona 1° EXC, CAC, R.CACIB
    Mr. Arsani P. (H)
    International Show Montichiari 3° EXC Mr. Oliveira (P)
    International Show Reggio Emilia 3° EXC Msr. Ostrovskaia M. (RUS)
    12/03/2006 International Show Pescia 1° EXC, CAC Msr. Vretenicic S. (YU)
    04/03/2006 nternational Show Padova 1° EXC, CAC, R.CACIB Mr. Alessandra G.(IT)
    29/04/2006 CACIB Zadar 1° EXC, CAC,  R.CACIB Mr. Selimovic, HR
    30/04/2006 CACIB Zadar 1° EXC, CAC,  CACIB, BOB Mr. Kingston, Australia
    28/5/2006 CAC Hrušica 1° EXC, CAC, BOB Mrs. Zeljka Fan, HR
    15/8/2006 CAC Gradisca D´Isonzo, Italy 1° EXC, CAC, BOB Mrs. Marina Guidetti, Italy
    3/9/2006 CAC Pula, Croatia 1° EXC, CAC Mr. Vibor Jezek, HR
    23/9/2006 CACIB Maribor, Slovenia 1° EXC, CAC,  CACIB, BOS Michael Forte (IRL)



    Expo Canine Internationale de Lausanne (CH) 1° EXC, CAC R.CACIB L. Mach (CH)
    15/10/2006 Canine Internationale de Lausanne (CH) 2° EXC, R.CAC M.G. Shafer D
    05/11/2006 CACIB Bastia Umbra (I) Speciality Dog 2 EXC, R.CAC W. Schiker (D)
    09/11/2006 WORLD DOG SHOW , Poznan, Poland  EXCELLENT1,  CWC Mr. Khomasuridze, Russia
    25/11/2006 Purina Pro Plan Cup 2006 - Cremona (I) BOB/BOG/3° BIS judges: Y. Burton (USA) - R. Gordon (UK) - F. Balducci (I) - F. Petter (N)
    November 2006 Specialty Club Show of CIRN, Italy Exc.1, CAC Oscar Meyer, France


    CACIB Lubiana (Slovenia) 1° Eccellente, CAC CHAMPION OF SLOVENIA  
    27/01/07 CACIB Milano (Italia) 2° Eccellente, R.CAC Mrs. Annika Ulveit Moe (S)
    11/02/07 CACIB Friburgo (Svizzera) 1° Eccellente, CAC, R.CACIB  
    17/02/07 CACIB Padova, Italy 2° Eccellente, R.CAC

    Mr. Powers D. (USA)

    25/02/07   CAC Celje (Slovenia - Winter winner) 1° Eccellente CAC SLOVENIAN CLUB CHAMPION, BOB WINTER WINNER  
    10/03/07 CACIB GRAZ, Austria Exc.1, CACA, CACIB, BOB, new International Champion !!! Mrs. Balogh, Hungary
    1/4/2007 CAC  Wieselburg, Austria Exc.1, CACA, CACIB, BOS  


    Esposizione Internazionale Livorno R.CACIB Mrs. Willhauck W.


    Raduno CIRN Livorno CAC - new Italian Champion !!! Mr.  Szermaj P. (PL)
    19/05/2007 CAC Samobor (Croazia) 1° Eccellente CAC, BOB - new  CROATIAN Champion !!!  
    20/05/0 CAC Novi Marof (Croazia) 1° Eccellente CAC, BOB  



    Rheinsieg (D) - Club Show Deutscher Club fur Nordische Hunde CAC VDH - CACDCNH "DCNH Clubsieger 2007" A. Eicher (CH)
    104/10/2007 Dortmund (D) - Bundessieger Zuchtschau 2007  RCAC - RCACIB V. Shon (D)
    20/10/2007 Lausanne (CH)  CAC - CACIB P. Harsanyi (H)
    21/10/2007 Lausanne (CH) "Animalia 2007"  CAC-CACIB-BOB-BOG SWISS CHAMPION!!!! M. Heine (D)
    3/10/2008 EuroDogShow Budapest, Hungary CAC, Res.CACIB Mr.Mjaerum, Norway

    Judgement expressed by Mr.Tuominen regarding Yoshi: "Excellent type and excellent proportions, good head and expressions, good ears, excellent bone. Beautiful neck, excellent top line. Excellent tail set. Excellent coat quality. Roles very free for every side. Excellent temperament. Excellent presentation !! "

    Purina Pro Plan Cup 2006 "...............The limited entry show that we had in Cremona had many top quality dogs that would do good winning in the USA. The working dogs were a very strong group. The Samoyed and Alaskan Malamute were outstanding. In my opinion, the Samoyed would easily win the Working Group in many USA shows........." Mr.Burton  J. Yamada (USA)



    BIS PUPPY, 3 x Best Female - BOS, CACIB

    Champion of Russia

    BLISSFUL XAMBA Yoshi&us-"Polinka"
    Owner: Natasha Privalova, Snezhnoe Tango,Russia

    approved brood bitch

    y y


    Date Show Results Judge
    March 6, 2005 International Show Moscow, Russia Very Promising 1, BIS Puppy  
    February 26, 2006 Moscow, Russia Exc.1, CAC Mr. Spoljaric, HR
    April, 1, 2006 Moscow, Russia Exc.1, CW, CAC, Best female Poland-  P.Krol
    April, 1, 2006 Northern dogs Show in Moscow, Russia Exc.1, CW, CC from Sweden - K.E.Johanson.
    15.04.2006 Moscow 1-exc., CW, CAC Sedyh (Russia)
    15.04.2006 Northern dogs Show Moscow 1-exc. CW, CC Sedyh (Russia) 
    18.11.2006 Northern dogs Show Moscow 3-Exc, CC Giuliani (Italia) 
    16.12.2006 S.Petreburg 1-exc, CW, CC Bauzhes( Russia)
    16.12.2006 S.Peterburg 1-exc., CW, CAC, R.CACIB P.Stanton( Swezia)
    December 2006 Northern dogs Show in Moscow, Russia Exc.1, CW, CC  
    30.09.2007 International Show Russia, Moscow 2-exc, R.CAC Delwar( Ireland)
    October 6, 2007 CACIB to Nizhni Novgorod. CW, CAC, CACIB, BOS  

    October 13, 2007


    Show of Club of Northern Dogs , Russia


    CW, CC, BOS 





    3.BIS PUPPY, BOB, BOS, CACIB, Regional Winner, Runner-up Samoyed of the year 2006

    Champion of Slovakia

    B. SOPHIE XAMBA Yoshi&us-"Begy"
    Owner: Peter Tóth, Slovakia

    HD A, approved brood bitch


    Date Show Results Judge
    March 12, 2005 National Show Nitra, Slovakia Very Promising 1, 4. BIS Puppy Mr. Havelka, Slovakia
    May 27, 2005 National Show in Senec, Slovakia Very Promising 1 Mr. Hořák, Czech Republic
    May 29, 2005 International Dog Show, Nitra, Slovakia Very promising 1 and BIS 3. Puppy Mr. Václavík, Czech Republic
    August 21, 2005 International Dog Show Bratislava, Slovakia Exc. 1, CAJC, BOB  
    June 5, 2006 International Dog Show, Nitra, Slovakia Exc.2, Res.CAC Mr. Vladimír Piskay, Slovakia
    July 2006 Regional Dog Show, Povoda, Slovakia Excellent 1, Regional winner  
    August 19, 2006 International Dog Show Bratislava, Slovakia Exc. 1, CAC Mr.Gellén, Hungary
    August 20, 2006 International Dog Show Bratislava, Slovakia Exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS Mrs. Ridarčíková, Slovakia
    March 17, 2007 International Dog Show, Nitra, Slovakia Excellent 3 Mrs. Pavlíková, Czech Republic
    May 6, 2007 CAC Banská Bystrica, Slovakia Exc. 1, CAC, BOS  
    June 1, 2007 CAC Senec, Slovakia Exc. 1, CAC - new SLOVAK CHAMPION !!! Mrs. Ridarčíková, Slovakia
    June 3, 2007 CACIB Nitra, Slovakia Exc.2, Res.CAC Mr. Piskay, Slovakia
    July 2007 Regional Dog Show, Povoda, Slovakia Excellent 1, Regional winner  
    August 18, 2007 International Dog Show Bratislava, Slovakia Exc.2, Res.CAC Mr.A.Zhuk, Belorussia
    August 19, 2007 International Dog Show Bratislava, Slovakia Exc.2, Res.CAC Mr. Piskay, Slovakia
    November 3, 2007 CACIB Nitra, Slovakia Exc.2, Res.CAC Mr. Bíroš, Slovakia
    November 3, 2007 Club Show Nitra Exc. 1, CAC Mrs. Marušková, CZ
    Runner-up Samoyed of the year 2006
    March 2008 National Show Nitra, Slovakia Exc. 1, CAC Mr.E.Deutscher





    Czech Junior Champion, Czech Champion

    BELIEVE´N´XAMBA Yoshi&us-"Billie"
    Owner: Marcela Knápková, Kennel "Orleansnow",Czech republic

    HD A, eyes clear, approved brood bitch


    (c) Foto: Bela Fialová


    Date Show Results Judge
    May 7, 2005 Club Show Mošovce, Slovakia Very Promising 1, 2. BIS Puppy + Best Breeder´s group Mr.Buratti (Italy)
    July 24, 2005 National Show Ml.Boleslav, Czech Republic Excellent 1, CAJC Mr. Jančík, Czech Rep.
    September 3, 2005 Club Show Ml.Boleslav, Czech Republic Excellent 1, CAJC, CLUB JUNIOR WINNER 2005 Mrs.Fossati (Italy)
    September 17, 2005 Club Show Svojanov, Czech Republic Excellent 1, CAJC, CLUB JUNIOR WINNER 2005 Mr. Guido Schafer (Germany)
    January 15, 2006 National Show Olomouc, Czech Republic Exc.1, CAC Mr. Redlicki, Poland
    February 2, 2006 International Show in Brno, Czech Republic Exc.1, CAC Mrs. Musial, Poland
    April 15, 2006 Club Show of Northern Breeds in Prague, Czech Rep. Excellent 1, CAC Mrs. Chris Hale (of Astutus), Great Britain
    May 6, 2006 Club Show Mošovce, Slovakia Exc.2, Res.CAC Mrs. sanja Vretenicic, SCG
    May 12, 2007 Club Show of Northern Breeds Roznov, Czech Rep. Exc.1, CAC, CLUB WINNER, BOB, BIS Mrs.Pavlíková, Czech Republic
    May 13, 2007 Club Show in Skalica, Slovakia Excellent Mrs.Fitzgibbon, GB
    III. Samoyed of the year 2006




    Res.BIS Junior, CAC, CAJC, CACIB, BOB

    Junior Champion of Slovakia, Champion of Slovakia


    Sports: canicross, agility, weightpulling

    BEST OF XAMBA Yoshi&us-"Nilek"
    Owner: Rasto Pavla, Kennel Ketty - Kelly + Yoshi and us

    HD 0/0, FCI "A", approved brood bitch


    Date Show Results Judge
    May 7, 2005 Club Show Mošovce, Slovakia Very Promising 2, "Best head" Mr. Buratti (Italy)
    October 22, 2005 Specialty Show for Nordic breeds in Ružiná, Slovak Republic Excellent 2, 2-nd best Junior bitch Mr.Mészáros, Slovakia
    November 4, 2005 Int. Show Nitracanis, Slovakia Exc 1, CAJC, Res. BIS Junior Mr. Havelka, Slovakia
    January 27, 2006 Int.Show in Trenčín, Slovakia Exc 1, CAJC + Best Breederœ Group Mr. Bíroš, Slovakia
    May 6, 2006 Club Show Mošovce, Slovakia Exc.1, CAC, Club Winner, BOB Mrs. Sanja Vretenicic, SCG
    Junior Champion of Slovakia
    May 7, 2006 National Show in B.Bystrica, Slovakia Exc.1, CAC Mr. Mészáros, Slovakia
    June 2, 2006 National Show in Senec, Slovakia Exc.1, CAC Mr. Havelka, Slovakia
    June 4, 2006 Int. Show Nitracanis, Slovakia Exc.1, CAC, CACIB Mr. Piskay, Slovakia
    ------------------------------------------------Nilek moved to our Kennel----------------------------------------------------------------
    October 4, 2008 Club Show Budapest, Hungary Excellent 4 Mrs.Tan-Hietalahti, FIN
    November 1, 2008 CACIB Nitra, Slovakia Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB Mr.Rehánek, CZ
    Champion of Slovakia
    May 1, 2010 Club specialty Show Skalica, Slovakia Excellent 1, CC, CAC, 3-rd Best Bitch

    She also won agility competition and competed very successfuly in canicross.
    Marie Marušková, Czech Republic
    September 11, 2010 Club specialty Show Prešov, Slovakia Exc.2, Res.CAC
    BIS Brace with Benji

    She has also passed mental test of character and got Certificate of Canistherapy, she also competed very successfully in weightpulling, canicross and agility
    Mrs. Ridarčíková, Slovakia



    BOS Junior, CAC, Res.CACIB

    BAMBI OF XAMBA Yoshi&us-"Hiku"

    Owner: Raso Pavla, Kennel Ketty - Kelly + Yoshi and us

    HD 0/0, FCI "A", approved brood bitch



    Date Show Results Judge
    October 22, 2005 Specialty Show for Nordic breeds in Ružiná, Slovak Republic Excellent 1, CAJC, BOS Junior Mr.Mészáros, Slovakia
    January 27, 2006 Int.Show in Trenčín, Slovakia Exc 4 + Best Breederœ Group Mr. Bíroš, Slovakia
    May 6, 2006 Club Show Mošovce, Slovakia Exc.1, CAC Mrs. Sanja Vretenicic, SCG
    May 7, 2006 National Show in B.Bystrica, Slovakia Exc.1, CAC Mr. Mészáros, Slovakia
    June 2, 2006 National Show in Senec, Slovakia Exc.1, CAC Mr. Havelka, Slovakia
    June 4, 2006 Int. Show Nitracanis, Slovakia Exc.1, CAC, Res. CACIB Mr. Piskay, Slovakia



    BLUES FOR XAMBA Yoshi&us-"Tyna"
    Owner: Romana Hrabáková, Kennel "Zátoka snu", Czech Republic

    HD 0/0, FCI "A", approved brood bitch



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