Yoshi and us Samoyeds are widely used in different forms of CANISTHERAPY or DOG THERAPY.
"Visiting Pets", "Therapy Dogs" ,"Therapy Pets" are just some of the names given to
describe programs in which our Samoyeds help people just by visiting them.
We perform"Animal Assisted Therapy" and "Animal Assisted Activities",
which is for formal and/or informal treatment programs,
usually involving one-two particular animals and handler assigned to one particular client or a small group of clients.
The handler and the health care provider/psychologist/teacher consult on specific goals to be accomplished,
and plan how to accomplish those goals.
Samoyeds proved to be really great dogs for these kinds of activities,
mainly because of their loving nature and non-agressiveness.
In Slovakia, first of all they must pass the test of character, then they obtain „Certificate of Canistherapy“.
Of course, their owner/handler must be a member of an organization concerning this kind of therapy.
Then the Team (Sammy + handler) can visit different institutions, and help people in need.
Yoshi and us Samoyeds which passed the test of character
and obtained „Certificate of Canistherapy“:
Kevin Kartuš
Humoresque Snowy Xamba
Snowmist Charming Clown
F-Xamba Nilek Yoshi and us
Flower Power of Yoshi and us
Cézanne of Azi Yoshi and us
Elfin Era O´Azi Yoshi and us
Benji of Xamba Yoshi and us
D-Blanche Xamba Yoshi and us 
Lil´Smile of Yoshi and us 
Ice Love Song of Yoshi and us 
Best of Xamba Yoshi and us
I started with Canistherapy more than 10 years ago.
I have been involved with several
therapy projects, have published articles on related topics and have given lectures
at high schools, colleges and also UCM University in Pieštany.
In 2010 I visit disabled children in Polný Kesov, they are mostly mentally handicapped.
My programm includes mainly Animal Assisted Activities.
We spend the time playing different games with children, as
they love Samoyeds! And my Samoyeds love visiting them.
In September 2010 I started a new project. I visit elementary school
children of ZŠ Podzámska Hlohovec. These children are diagnosed
with Light Cerebral Palsy, hyperactivity, developmental learning disabilities of all kinds.
In cooperation with their special educator and psychologist
we prepare activities aimed to improve their concentration, motivation and self-confidence.
I am looking forward to see how Samoyeds can help these children.
- Cooperation with The University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius (UCM) in Trnava, Slovakia –
Institute Physiotherapy, Balneology and Medical Rehabilitation and
High school of agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia (presentations about Canisteraphy)
- from 2014: Animal Assisted Activities in Adeli Center, Piešťany, Slovakia
specialising in neurorehabilitation. The institute provides its unique treatment mainly for
people suffering from damage to their central nervous system.
Such conditions are usually caused by birth trauma, brain haemorrhage, stroke or traumatic brain injury
- EU approved project ´Supportive therapy for children with learning disabilities´,
in cooperation with PhDr. Helena Kolníková, special pedagogist in Elementary School in Hlohovec,
Slovakia, working with a group of Students with learning difficulties and disabilities (dyslexia, dyscalculia and other dysfunctions)
- Scientific-methodical seminar with international participation:
´Education, training, leisure and mutual inspiration´ organized by Department of Education -
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia, Open Siociety Foundation,
lecture and workshop on outreach methods of teaching ("Introduction to animal assisted therapy"),
lecture published in Almanac
- in cooperation with the Department of Education - Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra,
Slovakia, I organized a series of seminars within the development project "Stop the barriers"
supported by Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic, and series of lectures and
workshops on "Modern activating methods as non-barrier path to education"
We organize or attend many more activities for children in need or for children in general
(nurseries, kinder gartens, elementary schools, high schools, orphanages), as well
activities aimed to help animals in need.
Samoyeds are great ´eye chatchers´ and everybody enjoys their tender nature.
Activities we organize or attend are for example:
charity collections
Christmas parties
fun days for children
sports days for children ...

Elementary school (ZŠ Podzámska Hlohovec)

Elementary school for disabled children (Polný Kesov):

Giving lectures at UCM University in Pieštany:
